Time passes but that need remains, a demand laid out here as plain as “Stay with me a little bit longer.” “Not There” succeeds by condensing complicated feelings into simple ideas, pushing aside complexities to embrace the feeling of it all. “There’s a craving in my bones, subtle aching when you’re not there,” she sings on a song that deftly captures the need for company over all else. Gentle drums and a few glitches are thrown in for texture, but it’s that first loop that the song hangs off. If it is, we may suggest buying a new home or at least getting the current one cleaned professionally. Taking “lonely” and “pretty” as a prompt, Lowther built “Not There” around a delicate synth line that drips and drops throughout the self-produced song like water running down a windowpane. Mount Your Friends is a fiercely competitive sporting event for you to play with your friends in the contextual security of your own home, assuming that your home is not composed of sexual innuendo. “It seemed really lonely somehow, even though it looked so pretty.”

“I was working on my computer one night and this repeating scene of rain on a skyscraper window came up,” she says. Experience the extreme simulated sporting sensation thats sweeping our digital nation Mount Your Friends is a fiercely competitive sporting event for you to play with your friends in the contextual security of your own home, assuming that your home is not composed of sexual innuendo.

In a statement released alongside “Not There,” Lowther explains that the creative spark for the song, her second since the release of her 2021 album Wrestling, came when she was scrolling Tumblr while procrastinating.