Finale's current default music notation font is Maestro. A Setup Wizard, an alternative method of starting a project, consists of a sequence of dialogs allowing the user to specify the instrumentation, time signature, key signature, pick-up measure, title, composer, and some aspects of score and page layout. The default Untitled document is a 31-measure piece for a single treble clef instrument. Discontinued versions include Finale Guitar, Notepad Plus, Allegro, SongWriter, and the free Finale Reader. These include PrintMusic and a freeware program, Finale Notepad, which allows only rudimentary editing.

MakeMusic also offers several less expensive versions of Finale (currently available for Microsoft Windows only), which do not contain all of the main program's features. In addition, most scorewriters, including Finale, are able to use software-based synthesizers to "play" the sounds of the notated music and record the music-an especially useful feature for novice composers, when no musicians are readily available, or if a composer cannot afford to hire musicians. A scorewriter is to music notation what a word processor is to text, in that they both allow fast corrections (via the "undo" button), flexible editing, easy sharing of content (via the Internet or compact storage media), and production of a clean, uniform layout. Finale is one of a number of types of software used by composers, songwriters and arrangers for creating sheet music, including the score for an entire ensemble (e.g., orchestra, concert band, big band, etc.) and parts for the individual musicians. Finale has been regarded as one of the industry standards for music notation software. First released in 1988, version 26 was released in 2018. Finale is the flagship program of a series of proprietary music notation software developed and released by MakeMusic for the Microsoft Windows and macOS operating systems.